Monday, 24 August 2009

Sponge Bob Strange Pants

Wow guys. Just wow. I had no idea just how many bizarre chrocheted manifestations of Sponge Bob existed in the crafting underworld of the magical internet tubez. Evidently, there are at least two. And this is one of them. And it scares the holy fuck out of me.

For double points, imagine the white stripe as Sponge Bob's crack-induced grin. It'll make you chuckle.

Thanks to Patty G for sending this in!


  1. The best part is they couldn't even get an actual child into it !!! Probably ran screaming into the night.

  2. Okay... The SpongeBob halter thingy is bizarre, but the truly creepy aspect of this photo is the faceless girl! It adds a whole new nuance of creepiness... A new creepy plateau, nay a creepiness apex that I simply cannot shake.

    I'll have nightmares over this for weeks! Thanks!

  3. At least the nose isn't....lower.

  4. I agree with anonymous above, so it's not fit for wearing on humans...

  5. Not to mention, you can poke someone's eye out with that "nose"!

  6. Spongebob Strangetits, as modeled by one of the "Children of the Damned."

  7. This is Spongebob meets Silent Hill, very creepy!

  8. I'd like a larger one in my size, that I could wear as a skirt. So the nose would be lower. Wouldn't that kick ass?


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