Monday, 30 March 2009

On A More Serious Note

Sorry to be a Debbie Downer right now, everyone, but I feel I must share something with you; especially those of you with your own blogs. I received an email today from EntreCard, which is an advertising system I signed up with a few months ago that basically allows you to trade advertising space with any other site in the system that chooses your website, specifically, to advertise on. If you scroll down towards the bottom of the page, you'll see it in the right-hand column. Anyway, this is what they had to say:

"Your account 'Homemade Hilarity' on has been warned. The administrator provided the following message:

Please be aware that nudity on your blog is against the TOS - please remove the images - thanks.

Please contact if you have any questions regarding this warning.

PLEASE NOTE: You are expected to resolve this issue promptly. Failure to do so will result in the removal of your Entrecard account.

Please include the following:
User ID: 39883"

So, after chewing it over for a while, this was my response:

"I think it is clear that I do not have any nudity on my blog. Especially not any pornographic images. My website pokes fun of bad art and misguided crafts, and what it does not do is post gratuitous images of nudity for people to get aroused by. I feel there is a massive and inherent difference between a painted depiction of the human form, especially when it is laughable, and pictures that are simply lewd and mature. I am not a porn peddler, and I must admit, I am extremely offended by your threat and your insinuation. I will not be taking down any aspect of my writing, as I have done nothing wrong, and I am very miffed that you feel you can dictate to me what I can, and can't, write about in the world of art. Would you censor Reuben or Matisse because of their affinity for the naked female form? Certainly not. So, as an art critic, I should not be made to feel that I am doing something smutty and undignified by simply sharing these (pg-13 at the very worst) art pieces and writing about them. Shame on you.

User ID: 39883"

Feel free to add to this discussion in the comments here, or alternatively, you can email Entrecard at and let them know what you think about this decision (just make sure to quote my User ID: 39883).

I'll be back with funny pictures later on today, I promise.


  1. Even without taking into consideration some of the images and content I've seen on other Entrecard blogs, this is absurd. When you do take that into consideration, it's a complete facepalm. They're running some contest where you can get credits for turning in as many "against TOS" blogs as you possibly can, and I can only imagine this is the result.

    I've seen them reverse decisions once a reasonable person evaluates the issue, so hopefully this will be the case here.

  2. That's ridiculous. And that's part of the reason I don't role with the Entrecard thingy. Even if you had a little mild nudity, it's not like that hurting anyone. I hope they come to their senses soon.

  3. Oh great. I'm sure I'll be getting one of those emails too...Here we go, Big Brother...

  4. I've seen much worse from other EntreCard clients. It would be one thing if your E/Card avatar picture thingie had some nekkid dude cuz I could see them not wanting that to just pop up willy-nilly on other sites but come on... I'm surprised they're making such a big deal about this.

  5. That is ridiculous. You are definitly getting a raw deal.

  6. I sent those effers an email. And where do I buy a vagina wallet?

  7. Another thought: when I read that they were going with advertisers, I started to rethink whether I wanted to keep using Entrecard at all. I don't have advertisers because I'm principled (and lazy and I also know that I wouldn't make much money anyway). But they're gonna put advertisers on MY site?

    And now THIS? This is the advertisers saying they don't like nudity. I have a feeling they ruined Entrecard. That's too bad.

  8. I've heard of that happening to other Entrecard members. Too weird!

  9. right fucking on. they are a bunch of freaks, and you are dead right on this issue.

  10. I'm shocked and appalled that such quality art would be branded as pornographic filth. It's highly offensive to the artists and crafters.

  11. Oh yeah, vagina wallets that look like Muppets is definitely porn. Imagine the dude at Entrecard that determines what is porn and what isn't? I'm picturing some 87 year old woman named Beulah Mae getting her bloomers in a twist over vagina wallets.

    Drop the Bozos and start posting penis pocketbooks, will ya?

  12. Discrimination!!! I would imagine a lot of the craft sites on EC would be under same scrutiny if they fell under the humor category.

    Your reply to EC is awesome.

  13. Well said, bravo for you. I think the bloggers of the world should revolt and move somewhere warm with a good wireless signal!Ok-it is flooding, volcanoes are going off and we had snow yesterday so we can't move here! Anyway, maybe Uncle Sam should worry more about those nasty pics that Lady liberty's have been posting on MySpace and the like-better yet they should go edit what the teens are wearing to school and use it as an excuse that they will save money by bringing down the teen birth rate-dang-sorry. We are rooting for you! Next they will edit out-f*n' language! AMEN! Alaskawomom

  14. I'm a relatively new reader to your blog, but I've browsed around quite a bit and have found nothing that should trigger this sort of response from EntreCard. It's absolutely ridiculous. Surely once they take another look at your blog, this decision will be reversed.

  15. Thank you for all of your support, everyone! I must say, I really didn't expect so much love from everyone. I really appreciate all the kind words, and I'm still hopeful that Entrecard and I can work through this unfortunate situation (although they have yet to email me back). But again, thank you for this overwhelming outpouring of support!!


  16. Just another damn reason to quit EC... they are pushing us all just a tad too far lately.


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