Thursday, 2 April 2009

Paint Fumes Are Never Wasted In The Company Of A Crafter


As all of my oldest friends can tell you, I love an obscure phrase as much as a toucan likes a good laugh in the afternoon, but let me tell you, this crapft is as fug as a tightrope-walking pony after breakfast. But, you know what they say: You can't tell a midget to hula-hoop in the rain, although truthfully, who would want to.

Chicken sandwich.


  1. What does that even mean?! It sounds like the phrase is referring to the lonely cat lady at the end of the street drinking wine all by herself with just her cat to talk to. Kind of sad/pathetic.

  2. An early bird in the hand is worth two worms in a glass house, as you know.

  3. As long as the cat is there you aren't drinking alone. Is that the point? Cause, of course, only alcoholics drink alone! And to be an alcoholic would be CATastrophic. Especially if you became CATatonic.

  4. That certainly was a horse of a different garage.

  5. That's probably why I don't like cats. They drink all your wine.

  6. Yuppers. I followed that no problemo.


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