Thursday 3 September 2009

You Wouldn't Believe It If I Told You

In honor of lazyness, exhaustion, and all that is insane, today's post is a "What The Fuck Is This" competition. Soo... what the hell do you think this is? Post answers in the comments. The closest or funniest answer will get their weblink posted tomorrow or the next day! Good luck!

Thanks to Patty G for sending this in! (so, no, Patty, you do not get a guess. I know. Life's hard.)


  1. Looks like some sort of voodoo doll...

  2. A deformed Jolly Green Giant? Or a legless Alien?

  3. I can't decide if it's a terrible voodoo doll or an alarmingly fluffly and bejeweled menstrual pad, so I'm going with: "voodoo menstrual pad."

  4. I might guess it's Bibendum, the Michelin man, but I won't. It's his pregnant mistress, Zwzzy.

    Julia, you funny!

    Ptolemy Galgoobis

  5. Alshbun, angry alien schoolmarm? (Your captcha filter suggested the name.)

    Hormonally bitchwhipped pregnant alien?

    An inventive stage prop for a play which takes place in a (likely intergalactic) home ec classroom?

    A worry doll in the form of Saint Gangreenie Mensebooboo, the (rather unhealthy) patron saint of overworked menstrual pads?

    Any way you cut it, it's not lookin' good. And WTF is up with the crotch-button?

  6. It kinda looks like the male child of one of those Goddess dolls and a Zombie doll that somehow mated.


  7. A robot with his hands in his pockets "pushing his own buttons", so to speak.

  8. I'm going for a moldy maxi pad that hooked up with the Michelin Man. Eeeeeew.

  9. I like Shannon's. But I first thought of Oogie Boogie on Pufferfish poison.

  10. It is so obviously the genie from Alladin. You can tell by the strong arms and pecs. I am a little flumoxed by the gigantic silver bellybutton, because I was under the impression that genies don't have bellybuttons.

  11. It's a Schwarzenegger doll, duh!

  12. DH and I feel that this must be some sort of jock cup that comes with matching underpants that you can button it into.

    That or some sort of sick baby chew toy.

  13. To be perfectly honest here, it looks like green lips with a blue-eyed green penis laying on top of them.

    This worries me a little, like the time I took that Rorschach test and when I was done the doctor pulled out a gun and tried to kill me.

    I hope this is not like that.

  14. A suitcase freshener/scented thingy in the form of the Hulk's lesser known brother-The Unbelievable Bulk?

  15. It's obviously a doll for eunich mummy children.

  16. I think I just peed my pants reading the replies LOL !

  17. I'm going with the first thing that popped to mind before reading the comments (hilarious&informative) -- some sort of horrifically deformed fertility doll.

  18. whatever it is it needs to be thoroughly chewed and destuffed.

    hmmm, maybe bikerchicks onto something there. what has wings and gives women the confidence to sing?

  19. Hey you found my uncle's old #3 golf club cover! He was weird.

  20. It looks like the green incredible hulk stretch doll that my dad had in the 70's - only with short little tiny legs!

  21. It is the strong sperm... obviously...
