Friday 4 September 2009

I watch too much Intervention

"I don't know what the problem is, I put the chemical formula you gave me in the spoon and I cooked it up, but no meth came out... Amphetamines are so complicated! I'm going back to huffing."

(Actually that is the molecular formula for sugar, a spoonful of it, which is a pretty cute and geeky idea--too bad it makes you look like a crackhead from a distance.)


  1. Yes I think you are right the average moron would not know that was sugar and would assume it's crack. Sorta like those predipped flavor spoons for tea and coffee. Coffee, tea or crack ???

  2. 'You dropped your name tag...' *hands the hilarious JK a sugar packet*


  3. This is a classic example of "Great idea! Poor implementation."

  4. does anyone know the chemical formula for liva snaps?

  5. Totally looks like drug paraphernalia! It reminds me of back in the '80s when they sold those razor blade necklaces.
