Friday 3 April 2009

I Don't.... I Just Don't Know

So, I, uh... ...

Maybe it's like...

Or, if, well...

it, uh... ...

Yeah, I got nothing.


  1. Good heavens! We're flipping for Jesus!

  2. Huh?

    *scratching head*

    *turning head to side*

    I still don't get it.

  3. I'm afraid to diss it because I don't want to go to hell.

  4. Can anyone say LSD? I feel like that is the only explanation.

  5. I get the Paul part, well sort of, wasn't Paul prominent in the bible? Oh, wait, he was a Beatle. Why are they talking about Erectile Dysfunction? Seems to me that if Jesus really did die for all our sins no one would have ED. Yes, I realize I am going to hell.

  6. It's interesting and maybe a little ironic that your Entrecard ad is for Angels on Your Shoulders.

  7. What the heck is it even supposed to be?

  8. hahaha...what. the. hell (no pun intended) IS THAT?

  9. Is that glitter? What is that?

  10. I thought Paul was the Walrus. Not the power pole. Or was John the Walrus. Damn. The glitter frame has me all jacked up.

    Is that a green bee in there too?

    I'm already going to hell for how I talk about my Catholic mom, so, I'm really not afraid to bash the God-damned thing. I just don't know how to properly bash it.

  11. Is there such a thing as crafting in tongues?

  12. Holy crap.

    And I mean that literally.

  13. I haven't seen anything like that since the last Jack Chick tract I perused.

    At first, I was thinking it was the evangelical way of teaching about evil dark magical electrical engineering because of the references like Watt, 'E' for energy, the 'Power Line Paul', and all the switch flipping, but no, just weird.
