Sunday 5 April 2009


Given that Easter is right around the corner and, as we all know, nothing says "Jesus died and then came back to life before disappearing entirely from a cave" quite like pink bunnies laying eggs, so I thought I'd appease the marshmallowed forces that be and slap this lil guy up to help herald in this not-at-all-pagan holiday. Though, truthfully, I can't be sure if it is a bunny in the process of eating a small child, or a small child wearing a startled bunny. Or what, exactly, it is made out of. Or what happened to its limbs. Or what the hell it is, really. Nonetheless, this is extremely pink and shiny and I'm guessing covered in pop-rocks so if it doesn't fit the bill for a thoroughly religious Easterday, I couldn't tell you what does.

Oh, and it would seem that I may have been ripped off by another site (although, to be fair, I'm a big fan of their work). Here's mine, dated March 4th, and here's theirs, dated April 1st. If it's true, I guess I'm flattered?


  1. Julia, if imitation is the highest form of flattery, then I guess you should be tickled. The rainbow sweater-mop-blanket-whatever was also featured on this site on April 4th

  2. You found it first and shame on them for not knowing that!

    As for the bunny thing, I've lost my appetite for Easter treats.

  3. This is clearly who you don't mix Peeps and Crystal Meth...

  4. Funny bunny! BTW, I started my blogafter I found my work (stolen from our local newspaper) on someones MySpace! While I was flattered I was so in a rather ps*d off kind of way. Never realized the same thing could happen with a blog--well here's to you toots, I'm a fan!

  5. A stigmatic peep. You should call the Vatican.

  6. Yours was funnier.

  7. I vote for bunny swallowing a small child. Cuz that's just humor right there.

  8. No, no, no. These 2 beings are enjoying a symbiotic relationship. The pink bunny is the host to the guy...thingy. Without each other they would simply live life as oblivious gelatinous masses.
    PLEASE! Do not disturb them further or you will be violating the Prime Directive!!!

  9. I think a red-faced Easter bunny got caught with a jumbo martini olive lodged in his mouth.

    The olive looks pleased, though.
