Tuesday 6 October 2009

Your Guess Is As Good As Mine. Well, Not Really. Because I Know the Answer.

Because I'm being a right lazy fatty today, we're going to have a little contest! Hooray for 12-hour work-days! Anyway, this contest should be pretty self-evident: I want you to guess just who the crap is that painted on this buxom lady's chest. Which means you're going to have to stop staring at her bra for just a minute and tax your historical/musical/presidential/gay 20'th century poet knowledge (or not. I don't want to give too much away.)

What do you stand to win? Why, international fame and unlimited riches, of course. In the form of an awards jpg. But still, I'm awesome so it's worth it.

In the event that no-one guesses correctly, the most creative/humorous answer wins!

And no, it's not a young Karl Lagerfeld, for the amount that it would be epic if it were.

Leave your guesses in the comments!


  1. Obviously Lena Horne - no, wait, maybe Ertha Kitt. I get those two gay Presidents confused.

  2. It being near Halloween and all, I think I'll guess Tim Curry in the ever-classic role of Dr. Frank-n-Furter. Except for the earring... which makes me think I'm probably wrong.

  3. Adam Ant maybe?

  4. Edward Scissorhands (more accurately, Johnny Depp)?

    Sid Vicious? Looks a LOT like Sid Vicious. But it's early here. EVERYONE looks like Sid to me right now.

    Looks a lot like every Emo boy behind the till at any fast food franchise I've had the misfortune to be in, actually. "You, like, want fries or something with tha'? Coz I don't care either way..."

  5. I thought Sid Vicious too, but that would be too accurate. How about Bob Dylan?

  6. My first thought was Napolean Bonaparte??? But he wasn't gay or a poet....or was he ????

  7. that tshirts obviously the free gift you get for signing up for a year of the lizzie borden fan club and recipe exchange.

  8. I think it looks like the Cat from Red Dwarf...or Prince...

  9. Well, it's so obviously David Bowie. Or not.

  10. Chopin? Liszt? Adam Ant dressed up as Chopin and/or Liszt?

    No idea. He sure looks cranky and self-important though. In which case, it could be Byron, I guess. Or anyone Creative.

  11. Sid Vicious or Bob Dylan, tho it kinda looks a bit like Lt. Anita Van Buren from Law & Order.

  12. It's a guy with an earring.......

  13. It's so obvious...........Michael Jackson!

  14. Series Four, Episode Six of 'Star Trek - The Next Generation': in the 23rd minute there is a scene in the galley. Just as Patrick Stewart says 'Outstanding ... quite outstanding' a fellow in a navy blue shirt walks through the frame, left to right, in 0.79 seconds, scratching his ear. Possibly half-Romulan. It's obviously him.

  15. Burt Reynolds. It just has to be.

  16. Bob Dylan?
    Dylan Thomas?
    Thomas the Train?

  17. Wait...one more!

    Joan Armatrading?

  18. *snrk* Bea Arthur!! That made me giggle...thanks for that! :)

  19. It's a Rorschach Inkblot Test. You know, one of those psychological tests where an arty ink blob looks different to each viewer and reveals their personality, or emotional functioning, or deepest desires. Or something like that. Kind of like the Mirror of Erised in Harry Potter.

    I see Mr. Darcy.

  20. That's either president Andrew Jackson or... Prince?

  21. Please tell me it's someone from Twilight

  22. OH OH OH!!! Is it Bob Dylan?

    From your your earlier post http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_YTDDwkTWNYU/SndflFJN46I/AAAAAAAABEA/HRop8_bd3ZQ/s1600-h/bob_dylan.jpg
