Tuesday 1 September 2009

A shy creature, ill suited for domestication

Most species of hermit vaginas have long soft abdomens which are protected from predators by the adaptation of carrying around a salvaged empty seashell into which the whole vagina can retract. Most frequently hermit vaginas utilize the shells of sea snails, marine gastropod mollusks. The tip of the hermit vagina's abdomen is adapted to clasp strongly onto the columella of the shell. As the hermit vagina grows in size, it has to find a larger shell and abandon the previous one.

There are about five hundred known species of hermit vagina in the world, most of which are aquatic and live in saltwater at depths ranging from shallow coral reefs and shorelines to deep sea bottoms. However in the tropics, a number of species are terrestrial, and some of these can grow to quite a large size, for example, Kirstie Alley's.

Do you know all the various group terms for animals? A murder of crows, a school of fish, a pride of lions? The group term for hermit vaginas is actually "a lilith fair of vaginas". This lilith fair has actually left the safety of their shells to transition to large ones, an elusive subject for photos to be sure!


  1. Um, I can only think of one thing to say. . . AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

  2. is that why mermaids never get married, cuz their v** fell off?

  3. The vagina/labia fad.............when will it end?

  4. Whywhywhywhy...WHY .....would anyone need one of these ??? Oh yeah .......Not tonight honey I have a headache...... take the hermit vagina instead. REALLY ??? If I see one more of these I'm gonna turn to salt.

  5. What are the little ones supposed to be ...paperweights ??? .... "Oh excuse me Bob , the expense report is over there under the vagina......"

  6. ROFLMAO... ohhhh myyyyy.... I wonder what you'd hear if you put one of these up to your ear...

  7. *Sarah* OMG!!!! - I almost spit my iced tea everywhere ! hahahahahahahahahahaha......

  8. OMG...a lilith fair of vaginas...too funny!

  9. @Sarah

    haha, you'd probably hear some acoustic ani difranco. it's very soothing.

  10. What's with all the vaginas? Thanks but no thanks.

  11. A stunning collection for the Ed Gein enthusiast in your life.

  12. All I could think of was Lindsay Lohan.

  13. OMG LOL Kirstie Alley's snatch
