Saturday 12 September 2009

Looks like cats are back on the menu, boys

Do you long for the uncomfortable sensation that is a cat silently watching you, planning exactly how many minutes after you die to wait before starting to eat your face? Sure, we all do. But how about if you could have all that, without having to change a litter box? Well now you can, thanks to handmade ceramic Katz (tm)! Guaranteed to exude a constant aura of silent murderous contempt at all times or your money back!


  1. Oh, these are not real???? The cat on the right in particular looks so real. I have been wishing for a cat for a year (can't have pets here) so maybe this is just what I need!

  2. Damn....I thought this was a recipe.....

  3. I'm glad for one that it wasn't a recipe. Whew!

  4. ive got a recipe for it. what are kippers?

  5. Yikes! Those look too real for me.

  6. Perfect for the cat lady that has everything...except cats.

  7. Why do people do that shit?

  8. Yeah, I'll just keep my pack of six plotting, murderous, contemptuous cats. Much better than THAT staring at me at 6 a.m.
