Friday 28 August 2009

You Can't Blame Everything That Happened In The 70's On Drugs. Unfortunately.

Oh, for fuck's sake, people. You cannot just turn a planter upside-down and call it a hat. You just can't. You just can't.

Ed. note: Well, upon further reflection, I guess, technically, you actually can. But that doesn't mean that you should. In fact, you definitely shouldn't. Especially when it looks this tarded.


  1. Singing "But we did, but we did, and I like it...."

    Nah. I'm lying. It's hideous.

  2. Whats with the eyes this week ??? Oh crap was that my eyeliner or the Crazy Glue ......again !Thats why the flower pots on her head - she can't see it !

  3. It really is quite lovely... have a right laugh at these crappy creations, it makes my day!

  4. She has fashion sense,
    she has fashion sense not...

  5. The wall eyed mannequin was wearing a hat?

    Oh wait. There it is! I see it now.


  6. I wonder if the person that created this "masterpiece" would wear it out in public?

  7. I think I saw this on Project Runway once. Koors about died in his chair.
