Friday 3 July 2009

Deb Ball

Oh, hellooooo there. Welcome to my house. What's that? Why yes, since you ask I do have to keep my friend Maude here on permanent retainer to carry my billowing chickenwire gown wherever I go. But Maude and I have grown quite close in the two years that she's been carrying my chickenwire gown, and although I do sometimes wish that I could run and ride a bike and frolic on the beach like normal people who aren't wearing chickenwire gowns, my loss of mobility and privacy is a small price to pay for looking like a complete and utter ass-clown. Wouldn't you say, Maude?


  1. Hmmm... shouldn't that be under the label "Formal Awire"?

  2. Maude's thumb would appear to have been severed by what must be a razor-wire undergarment.

  3. Hilarious captioning!

    At first glance, I was thinking it was made from soda can pull tabs. Then inexplicably, the Copacabana song popped into mind with different lyrics:

    Her name was Cola
    she mainlined soda
    with empty pop cans everywhere
    a dress from pull tabs there

    It is clearly chicken wire, though.

  4. They just don't make chicken wire like they used to... lucky for the wearer of the ass clown gown!

  5. Skirt gone haywire. OK, chickenwire but the results is the same. YIKES!

  6. Is that from Beyonce's "House of Dereon" collection?
