Sunday 21 June 2009

Super Saturday!

Welcome back, everyone, to the second installment of Super Freaking Awesome Saturdays, a weekly homage to crafts that I actually like (as unimaginable and unlikely as that may sound as clearly we're all pretty aware by now that my heart is a shriveled black hole of mockery and despair. Let's be honest.)

This week's talented artist is Rob Ryan who created all these beautiful and poetic images entirely by cutting up single sheets of paper. (Click on pictures to embiggen)

With what I'm sure must have started out originally as a fabulous waste of time he's managed to turn into a folksy art style with a level of craftsmanship that, frankly, makes my Attention Defecit Disorder want to cry.

As far as I can tell each one of these pictures is entirely connected; as in, I believe these are not made of individual pieces of paper and then put together. As in, if you picked them up by their corners they would get lifted as a whole. As in, they're made of pure awesomeness and win.

So that's it for today's Super Freaking Awesome Saturday! I hope you likey. Tomorrow, of course, I'll be back to trying to make ugly crapfts and small children cry, which is really what I do best. Frankly, trying to be all nice-like is making me feel itchy. Itchy and cold.

Rob responded to my post! I can't believe it! He wrote: "Hey Julia, Thank you for featuring me, I'd forgotten I did one of those pictures !!! luv Rob"
Wow. I'm honoured. Honoured and humbled. Thank you Rob Ryan!


  1. holy crap. those things are utterly amazing and i want one.

  2. Ahhh, he did the cover of The Book of Lost Things by John Connolly. I though I recognised them, now it makes sense. Great cover, great book!

  3. Wow, like folding paper and then cutting as in the manner of paper dolls??? That is talent!

  4. Awesome art:) Thanks for sharing the good stuff...
