Sunday 14 June 2009

Super Saturday!! OMG!!11

So I've been getting lots of emails on the internets about this specific crafter on ETSY, and I have to be honest, I've been reticent to do a post about this item because 1. it's made in a totally ironic and self-acknowledged manner, 2. it's decidedly quite well made, and 3. I actually really like it. I think it's hilarious. I mean, it's a handmade beard for women, for fucks sake. AWESOME. So, I've decided, in honor of The Beard, I've started a new amazingly-awesome theme: SUPER SATURDAYS!!

I've decided that from here on out, every Saturday will be spent showcasing some most excellent craft that I adore, and I'm starting with this beard. Yes, I know its already been featured on almost every craft blog ever written, but it doesn't matter. I don't care. I'm a fucking rebel. I love The Beard, and I don't care who knows it. IT'S AWESOME. Don't lie; you think it's awesome too. So there. That's what it is. On Saturdays, prepare for an awesome crapft, and there's nothing you can do about it. Except, if you find an awesome, or an awesomely hilarious crapft, email me at, and I'll try to write about it. If you have a problem with it email Heather at HeatherCherry. It's her fault.


  1. Oh, it's so very, very soft! ;-)

  2. There exists video of me wearing a similar beard as a child. Wearing that beard and saying the words, "There is no room at the inn."

    Audiences were moved.

  3. So... women can now look like Brutus from Popeye... Or was it Bluto, was that the French version? I don't know.

  4. Before you know it there's going to be color swatches involved so they can match..

    Would that now be the drapes matching not only the carpet but the towels as well??

  5. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Awesome idear, m'dear.

  6. They're $40. And she's sold 106 of them. I can't seem to pick my chin up off of the floor.

  7. Why has no one mentioned what appears to be a booger?
