Monday 23 March 2009

I'm Bringing Sexy Back (Possibly NSFW)

Lordy lordy lordy, look what I found: if these aren't the sexiest things you've ever seen, you don't know sexy like I know sexy. Because believe me, these are tittilating.

Just look at his rippling ass-muscles, gleaming under a thick layer of crisco and spray-tan. Feel seduced by the way he's coyly biting his finger in a manner which suggests that if he were to have a platter handy, his ass would be on it and he would be gifting it to you. Fall prey to the way he's charmingly posing backwards and naked with a motorcycle, as if you just accidentally cought him while he was naked and backwards on his motorcycle. Let his neanderthalish good looks whisk you off to your special no-no place of pure sex. Rawr.

Ooh, let's call this sexy beast Julio, shall we? Julio wants you desperately and longingly to come hither and will stare at you uncomfortably until you do so, which of course no girl (or some guys) can resist. And while Julio's legs may be freakishly small, at least his boobs are a c-cup! At long last, my wildest exotic man-boobie fantasies have come to life!


  1. With Don Juan's like that around, sexy isn't going anywhere for a long time.

  2. Is Julio atop a blue bed, or is he sitting magically on water?

  3. You know, Shawn, I was wondering the same thing myself. I think I've come to the conclusion that he's sitting atop a blue sheet on the floor. Which is just about as sexy as it gets.

  4. Is it my imagination, or is the top guy's hand drawn on backwards? If you put your right hand on your butt, isn't your thumb supposed to be on the outside?

  5. Those are truly awful. I would like those C-cups, though....for ME.

  6. You know, Kim, is right!!! I even tried this pose front of the mirror no less...*eee-gads*. Anyway, my thumb was always on the outside no matter how I positioned myself.

    This has made my day!

  7. OMG, LOL. That's an awful lot of sexy! Wow!

  8. I like the man boobs. Approved.

  9. I hate it when a man's boobs are perkier than mine.

  10. Julio's man tits are nicer than mine:(

  11. You have an award at my site. :o)

  12. Yikes! I guess I shouldn't check out this site when my 4 1/2 is next to me. She just offered,"HIs butt is the smelliest ever!"

  13. Oh, and the motorcycle guy? His thumb IS on the outside, it's just up his ass.

  14. Did anyone notice that the first guy also doesn't have nipples?

  15. The 2nd guy looks like Jesus Christ with manboobs!! Fabio ain't got shit on this guy!! This could totally be the cover of a biblical romance novel:

    Come Sin With Jesus

  16. **crawl in a corner and gouge my eyes out
