Monday 2 February 2009

Scroll-Down FAIL

In all my time searching the various tubes of the internets in search of teh handmade funny, I've noticed that most crapfts seem to fall within certain types of categories. Today we're going to discuss the often-attempted and not-once-ever-achieved category known as the "expensive object homemade knock-off". This kind of crapft only appears when a crafter becomes so genuinely deluded enough in their own talents that when they see, let's say, a pair of $2000 Lanvin jewel-encrusted leather 4 1/2 in high-heels, they have a conversation with themself that ends with "if one of the biggest and most luxuriously expensive fashion houses in the world can do it, so can I." And so here we are, left with a crafting Fail of epic proportions, and thank god for that.

These were the hells (I know that's a typo, but I'm keeping it) that inspired our intrepid crafter to achieve greatness:

And here is the spectacular results, which the crafter was evidently damn proud of:

And what does this excercise teach us? That a glue-gun and plastic baubles are not all that is necessary to create haute couture. I'm pretty sure you need to have some talent in there somewhere as well. And taste. Taste helps.


  1. Hi!
    Thank god that this 'hells' is looking pretty amazing.
    See you around.

  2. Hard to tell them apart.


    Nice find

  3. where do I put in my bid? I gots to have me a pair of these knock-offs

  4. The originals suck too. What happened to classic clothing and practical footwear?

  5. Both are utterly unwearable in my opinion! Bedazzelers be-dammed! ;)

  6. Please tell me that this crapfter has more creations for us!! Genius!

  7. The top ones look like russian mafia bling.. but the bottom ones... whoah... they look like something you clip onto the inside of a parakeet cage for the little guy's endless amusement.

  8. Ahh! I gasped and then I did a horrible seal like bark when I saw those shoes. I did a post once where I joked about doing this to some Payless shoes to imitate some Gucci ones - but I thought it was funny because it seemed to be such an OTT idea that nobody would do it!

  9. These are great. It makes my day to know someone out there is a bigger cheap-ass than me.

  10. I'm a guy and stuff....but i have to say....Loving these shoes!!!
